Sunday, January 10, 2016

Homemade Soy Milk

 Soy milk is really easy to make and doesn't require any expensive equipment. The best part of making your own soy milk is that you can control what goes into it. For this recipe I use non-gmo soy beans.

what you will need:

soy beans soaked in water for a minimum of 8 hours, drained.
11 cups water

a blender 
a fine mesh bag or a few layers of cheesecloth and a colander.

a large pot
a stove or other heat source

measure out three cups of soy beans that have been soaked for 8 hours and drained. Put them in a blender and add 3 cups of water. Blend until it looks frothy and then pour into a mesh bag set over a large pot, or set the colander over the pot and layer cheesecloth inside the colander pour into that being sure to catch all the soy bean pulp. Place the pulp back into the blender and add 3 more cups of fresh water and blend and strain. Once again place the pulp back into the blender and add 2 cups of fresh water and repeat the blending and straining process.  You may discard the pulp at this point.

Strain the liquids again. Put into the pot and bring to a boil. Once it comes to a boil you can add your own flavorings. Continue boiling for about 3 minutes and skim any foam that forms at the top. After skimming the foam if you taste the milk and it still taste raw then reduce heat and continue to simmer until that taste is no longer noticeable.

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